Fire Science Online

The most popular degrees in fire science occur at the associate level. Two-year programs in fire science introduce students to the basics of emergency services, including fire personnel, first-response medical (EMTs and paramedics), police officers and federal agencies involved in emergencies and disasters. Coursework then progresses into fire behavior, building construction, protection systems, prevention techniques … Continued


Fold3 features premier collections of original military records. These records include the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served in the military. Many of the records come from the U.S. National archives, The National Archives of the U.K. and other international records.

Freegal Music+

Patron based, user friendly database of music (similar to Spotify) that allows our patrons to listen to and download music to their mobile devices for easy listening access!

Gale eBooks

Curated database of eBooks provided by Gale. Please use revere as the login information.

Gale LegalForms

Database of legal forms that can be referenced, and printed out for local, state, or federal purposes. Please use revere as the login information.